At the end of last summer, we were staying in the estonian capital, Tallinn for almost a week. Honestly, I hadn't known much about this Baltic country and it quite surprised me in the best way possible! Do you know Skype was invented here? :D
The city was clean and well-maintained. I found it exceptionally similar to Bratislava, most probably because of its old town and city walls, Tallinn was just more preserved. I took many photos to show you the picturesque streets but first things first, let me present you the former allegedly highest building in the world.
Na konci minulého leta sme navštívili estónske hlavné mesto, Tallinn. A hoci sme tam boli takmer týždeň, kľudne by som sa tam zdržala aj dlhšie. Bolo to až neuveriteľné, ako veľmi mi pripomínal Bratislavu. Podobná rozloha, podobné staré mesto, zachované mestské hradby. Celé však farebnejšie a udržiavanejšie. Rozdiel bolo trochu cítiť aj inde, napr. v supermarketoch bolo ovocie pekne naaranžované asi ako u nás v BIO obchodoch :D. A milo ma prekvapil aj fakt, že Skype vymysleli Estónci :).
St. Olaf's church from distance (the highest tower in the picture).
Kostol sv. Olafa z diaľky (tá najvyššia veža).
St. Olaf's church was built in the 12th century and at the turn of the 17th century it was reportedly the highest building in the world. And besides how cool that is, "the highest" usually suggests some pretty views :). After climbing the 123.7 meters tall tower, you could indeed see whole Tallinn. From the harbour through the modern downtown to the classic red-roofed oldtown.
K Tallinnu sa však vrátim v budúcom príspevku, teraz by som vám chcela ukázať niekdajšiu (vraj) najvyššiu budovu na svete. Kostol sv. Olafa má vežu vysokú 123,7 metra a na prelome 16. a 17. storočia bola považovaná za najvyššiu budovu na svete. Z veže je nádherný výhľad na celý Tallinn, od prístavu, cez moderné centrum až po staré mesto s klasickými červenými strechami.
We were walking literally on the church's roof.
Chodili sme doslova po streche kostola.
The modern downtown | Moderné centrum Tallinnu
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