Finland Foreign travels


Monday, December 07, 2015Michaela Ivančíková

Back in August, after we had decided where we'd wanted to spend our summer holiday I set to my computer and started to search for flights. 

Our desired destination was Tallinn in Estonia (not a typical summer vacation spot, I know :D) and I could choose between a direct flight or a flight with a layover in Helsinki as Finnair's base. And you already know what happened :). 
As a matter of fact, when I would have an another chance to be in the Finland's capital since I have never really planned a visit? So I booked the flights from Finnair and enjoyed Finland for a few hours. And I can tell you the longer journey was worth it
However after a week in colourful Tallinn, Helsinki did not impress me in a way as I had expected before. I found the city a little bit austere. It was indeed nice and clean but I missed Tallinn's definition of picturesque oldtown and modern downtown. Anyway I'm sure I would need at least one or two more days to know Helsinki more and then I could make more relevant statements :).         

Keď sme sa v auguste rozhodli, kam chcem ísť na dovolenku, sadla som si k počítaču a hľadala letenky. Do estónskeho Tallinnu sa dalo síce ísť aj priamo, ale keď som našla, že Finnair ponúka lety s prestupom v Helsinkách, povedala som si, že je to skvelá príležitosť ako vidieť fínske hlavné mesto, kam som sa vlastne ani nikdy nechystala. :) 
Avšak, po týždni strávenom v krásnom farebnom Tallinne (o ktorom sa chystám napísať viacero článkov! :) ) sa mi zdali Helsinki trochu šedé, strohé. Ani historické, ani moderné, ale zato pekné a čisté. Ale pravdu povediac, aby som mohla Helsinki ohodnotiť viac, musela by som tam stráviť minimálne deň, najlepšie aj dva navyše :). 

A morning fog over a finnish forest. | Ranná hmla nad fínskym lesom.

Helsinki. They are composed of a lot of small islands which are usually connected with bridges.
Helsinki sú postavené na mnohých malých ostrovčekoch, ktoré sú spojené mostami. 

Finnair Skywheel has blue glasses as blue & white are their colours. It was just a little inconvenient because taken photos were blue :D. But somehow the view itself wasn't much blue tilted so we could enjoy the ride and views. 

Koleso Finnair malo sklá zafarbené na modro, čo sa odrazilo najmä na fotkách, ktoré mali všetky modrý nádych. Avšak akosi sa im podarilo urobiť tie sklá tak, že keď sa cez ne človek pozeral, tak mal výhľad nesfarbený, akurát trochu bledší, než v skutočnosti bol. 





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