Brno Czech republic


Tuesday, May 26, 2015Michaela Ivančíková

Although these photos weren't taken by me I wanted to share them with you. It was an important day in my auntie's

life. Her wedding. Take a little look and enjoy her big day with us :). The main part of the photos were taken by photographer Kateřina Štarhová, a few of them by my mom.
PS: You could already see my aunt also in this post.

Aj keď som tieto fotografie nefotila ja, chcela som sa o ne s vami podeliť. Sú zo svadby mojej tety Jáji, ktorú ste už mohli vidieť v tomto príspevku. O väčšinu fotografií sa postarala fotografka Kateřina Štarhová, no niektoré fotila aj moja mamka :).  

With my aunt & sisters
S tetou a sestrami

With my boyfriend & my great-grandma :)
S priateľom a prababičkou :)


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