Foreign travels Italy


Monday, February 16, 2015Michaela Ivančíková

Photos from a trip to breathtaking Rome, where I was with my mum a month ago. The weather
in the city is mediterranean and thus we had pleasant 15 degrees Celsius and perfectly sunny weather in the middle of January! In the very next posts, I will show you four main Roman dominants, can you guess which ones? :) But for now, enjoy my photo diary :).

Fotky z môjho výletu s mamkou do Ríma. Ak má niekto zimy po krk, a chce aspoň na chvíľku do tepla, no nie niekam ďaleko, Rím vrelo odporúčam! My sme boli v januári a mali sme krásnych 15 stupňov a slnečné počasie. 
PS: V nasledujúcich príspevkoch budú nasledovať štyri dominanty Ríma, viete si tipnúť, ktoré? :) 

With mum | S mamkou :)

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

Ponte Sant'Angelo

Foro Romano


Altare della Patria

Ponte Sant'Angelo

It was not rare to see similar paintings at houses' facades.
Takéto maľby na fasádach domov sú v Ríme pomerne bežné. 

Fontana di Trevi 
(under reconstruction | práve prebiehala rekonštrukcia)

The Tiber river | Rieka Tiber

Castel Sant'Angelo


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