Budapest Foreign travels


Monday, January 12, 2015Michaela Ivančíková

Last article about my trip to Budapest, capital of Hungary. On third day of our stay, we decided
to go to a museum of photography (great one, we spent there two hours not knowing that time was passing so quickly :) and then were exploring the city.

The architecture of parliament is outstanding, really worth to see, in reality it's much more beautiful than on photos! But the most unforgettable experience was definitely the visit of Margaret Island. It's a real isle in Danube in the middle of Budapest!
Although buses can drive there, cars are not allowed to and thus you can enjoy peaceful moments there. Imagine green and trees all around you, sitting on a ground, enjoying icecream and listening to singing fountain :). You can borrow also a little vehicle like a mini car for two or four, with pedals and drive around the isle. It's a real paradise in the heart of Budapest :).

Ako program na tretí deň v Budapešti sme zvolili návštevu múzea fotografie, posedenie pri parlamente a hlavne výlet na Margitin ostrov. Jedná sa skutočne o ostrov v Dunaji uprostred Budapešti! Je tam naozaj krásne, kopec zelene, nejazdia tam autá (len autobusy), kúpite tam aj zmrzlinu, môžete počúvať spievajúcu fontánu, požičať si také "šľapacie miniautíčko" a voziť sa po celom ostrove. Dokonalé miesto na oddych od rušného mesta :).      

Budapest Eye


Sitting on the bank of Danube, right in front of beautiful building of parliament was so good! Great place to relax :). 

Nábrežie Dunaja je perfektným miestom pre relax :). Najmä, keď máte za chrbtom nádhernú budovu budapeštianského parlamentu. 




A little church on Margarit Island. | Malý kostol na Margitinom ostrove.

Singing fountain | Spievajúca fontána


St. Stephens's Basilica | Bazilika sv. Štefana

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